Device Updates

Smart Wall Switch | SW-01 | Version 1.0
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I add IntelKA devices to my system by myself?
Yes, you can. IntelKA devices are simple to add and require just a few simple steps, which are explained in the user manual and installation section. If you are not sure, just call your local electrician and be ready in a few minutes.
If I switch internet provider or change my network (Router, AP, Modem…), will the system need to be setup all over again?
All of the systems parameters and configurations will be saved, but you will have to reconnect the smart hub to the new wifi router.
If there will be a power shortage, will the system need to be setup all over again?
No. Once the system is setup, everything will be saved on the smart hub, so once the power will come back, the system will be back to normal.